Privacy Policy InnovationQuarter

When visiting our website

Your domain name, but not your email address is automatically detected at each visit to our website.

When visiting our website, we register:

  • Your domain name, but not your email address when you visit our website
  • The domain name of other sites you’ve consulted to visit our site
  • All information regarding the pages you’ve consulted on our site

This information is used to improve the content of our website. The information is used for internal purposes only and is not passed on to other organizations for commercial purposes.

On this site, we use cookies, including those of Google Analytics (a cookie is a small file that is sent by an internet server and installs on your computer’s hard drive. This file keeps track of the visited internet site and contains an amount of data about this visit):

  • to register information sessions, such as information about what you add to your ‘shopping list’
  • to register information that’s yours, such as the web pages you consulted to visit our site

We do not have partnerships or special relationships with third parties on the internet.

When we transfer or receive your data on our website, we always use the encryption technologies that are recognized as common standards within the IT sector. If we receive or transfer certain critical information, such as financial information or health information, we use a secure server. You will be notified via a screen displayed on our site (pop-up).

How can you contact us regarding our privacy policy?

If you wish to respond to our privacy policy, please contact us by email:

About communication by email

If you do not wish to receive emails from our company in the future, please contact us at the above address.

About communication by phone

If you give us your phone number via our website, our company will only contact you by phone when necessary to inform you about the requestst you placed online.

If you do not (any longer) wish to receive addressed advertising and/or commercial calls, you can report this through the website of the Bel-me-niet-Register ( and/or Postfilter (, for Dutch residents only.

Our company can use consumer information for new purposes that are not yet provided in our Privacy Policy. In that case, we will contact you before using your information for these new purposes, to inform you about the changes to our privacy policy and to give you the opportunity to refuse participation.

Upon request, we allow visitors to our site access to all information we keep about them. If you wish to access this information, please contact us at the above address.

Upon request, we offer visitors to our site the opportunity to correct any incorrect data we keep from them. If you wish to improve your personal information, please contact us at the above address.

If you find that our site is not in accordance with our privacy policy, please contact our company at the above address.

Privacy declaration

InnovationQuarter handles your personal data with the utmost care. Personal data is information that can be traced to an individual, such as names, postal addresses and email addresses. Personal data is protected under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Processing of personal data

InnovationQuarter processes personal data in order to carry out its tasks.

Data sharing

While performing these tasks InnovationQuarter will not share your personal data with other organisations unless you have been informed in advance and you have agreed to share your data according on the basis of the principles set out in the GDPR.

Information about data processing

In principle, InnovationQuarter will inform you if it intends to process your data.

Protecting personal data

InnovationQuarter will ensure that your personal data is appropriately protected.

Retention period for personal data

InnovationQuarter will retain your personal data no longer than is necessary for the purpose concerned or is required under the Public Records Act.

Your privacy rights

You can submit a request in any of the following situations, if you wish to:

  • know which personal data of yours InnovationQuarter is processing;
  • amend your personal data;
  • have your personal data deleted.

You can submit your request to InnovationQuarter by emailing

Alternatively, you can send your request to the following address:

Data protection officer
WTC The Hague
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 32
2595 BR Den Haag

Contacting the data protection officer

InnovationQuarter has a data protection officer (in Dutch: Functionaris voor Gegevensbescherming) who monitors internal compliance with privacy legislation.

You can contact the data protection officer by emailing or writing to adress mentioned above.
