Discovering the Gothenburg area: sustainable construction and energy systems

In the rapidly changing landscape of sustainable technology and…

Cyber Mission Sweden 2023: Expanding Market Potential and Driving Collaborations

The Cyber Mission Sweden 2023, a cybersecurity conference organized…

Dutch cybersecurity cluster boosts US visibility with successful RSA Conference mission

A group of 30 Dutch organizations participated in a cybersecurity trade mission to San Francisco's RSA Conference & Exhibition from April 23-28. The delegation had a productive week filled with networking, matchmaking, and knowledge-sharing events organized by various entities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), InnovationQuarter, dcypher and Security Delta (HSD). As the Netherlands is recognized as the digital gateway to Europe, cybersecurity is a top priority for the country. By collaborating globally and participating in renowned conferences like the RSAC we can all work towards building a safer online environment.
stands op 4YFN

Groots startup evenement 4YFN in het teken van connectiviteit

Acht veelbelovende startups staan zij aan zij met InnovationQuarter…

Activiteitenkalender Internationalisering Cybersecurity 2023

Is jouw onderneming actief in de sector cybersecurity? Denk je erover na om internationaal te schalen? InnovationQuarter heeft in 2023 een aantal collectieve internationaliseringsactiviteiten op het programma. Collectieve beursbezoeken, handelsmissies en programma’s gericht op de voorbereiding op jouw internationale groei.

Collectieve activiteiten Internationalisering Energie & Circulair 2023

Is jouw onderneming actief in de sectoren hernieuwbare energie…

Dutch Companies Explore Sustainable Building & Energy System Opportunities in Copenhagen

In November 2022, a group of 12 Dutch companies involved in sustainable…

Dutch solutions driving energy transition and digitalisation in the utility sector

At the end of 2022 InnovationQuarter has joined forces with Stichting…

Dutch horticultural trade mission to India

As part of the Partners in Business NLHortiRiad2India – a multi-year public-private partnership to position the Dutch horticultural sector as a partner for India to meet their increasing demand for fresh, safe and nutritious fruits and vegetables – a trade mission to India has kicked off from 15-20 November 2022.

Nieuwe kansen voor door Brexit geraakte bedrijven

Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR)  Europese steunregeling voor ondernemers die getroffen zijn door Brexit