
Idris Oncology one of first companies to receive free human tissue through Codex4SME’s
The Leiden based biotechnology firm Idris Oncology is one of the three SME’s in Europe to receive human tissue through the Codex4SME’s consortium, in order to help them progress their diagnostic product towards clinical application. Interreg project Codex4SME's supports entrepreneurs in Life Sciences & Health sector in obtaining human tissue from biobanks. The application process for tissue can be very lingering and complicated.

Dutch and Flemish Digital Health organisations on a mission to the UK
During a four-day mission to Scotland and England (11-14 March), a Dutch and Flemish delegation met with relevant care institutions, potential partners and regional National Health Services. This business and innovation trip with the theme 'Digital Health' was organised by OostNL, InnovationQuarter, POM West-Flanders and NHS Highland.

Technology Exchange Roadshow to explore maritime business opportunities in Singapore
Following Sea Asia, which took place in Singapore from April 25 to 27, InnovationQuarter and Netherlands Maritime Technology organized a Technology Exchange Roadshow (TER). During this Technology Exchange Roadshow a group of six maritime companies providing a cost reducing technology met with three ship-owners and a shipyard.

International Robotics Week: connecting robots and people worldwide
The event RoboValley worked towards since the founding in 2015: the first International Robotics Week. From April 19 - 21 2017, RoboValley was able to show the whole world what they have built in the past years and what RoboValley stands for: connecting robots and people worldwide. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the International Robotics Week: partners from Robo Business Media, Chrysalix, Accenture, Rabobank, InnovationQuarter, the city of Delft, the Innovation Attaché Network and the speakers and visitors. Here’s a recap!