The Netherlands in Top 5 of most loved countries for expats

The Netherlands is one of the finest places to live and work. The Netherlands is ranked five in the HSBC Expat Explorer 2017 list of most beloved countries for expats, which is set up by HSBC every year.

The Netherlands is the most competitive EU Country

For the second year in a row, the Netherlands is among the top four most competitive countries in the world, according to findings from the World Economic Forum (WEF). Within the EU, the Netherlands scores first place, ahead of Germany and Sweden.

CapitalFest presents 5 innovations that will change the world

The world is facing a number of major challenges, such as energy, climate, health and digital security. With enough capital, startups can solve many of these challenges. Therefore, on September 27, CapitalFest brings together hundreds of European startups with more than 100 billion private investment capital. In addition, CapitalFest presents 5 startup innovations that will change the world.

IBM reports record year for inward investment in the Netherlands

The Global Location Trends 2017 Annual Report, released annually by IBM, reports a record year of inward investments for the Netherlands. Holland also ranks highly for average job value of investment projects.

IRM Systems secures capital to develop ‘IRM Smart Pipeline Data’ and accelerate international growth

IRM Systems B.V., a leading Pipeline Integrity Solutions company providing specialist services and engineering throughout the entire lifetime of pipeline systems (both onshore & offshore), has secured capital in total of € 1.5 million from amongst others the regional development agency InnovationQuarter to develop its newest, innovative product ‘IRM Smart Pipeline Data’ as well as to accelerate its international growth ambitions.

A Green Deal for the Dutch Windwheel 2.0

On 29 June, the Windwheel Corporation presented its new designs for the Dutch Windwheel, the icon of technological innovation that will raise the skyline of Rotterdam to a new aesthetic level. In addition to the presentation, a Green Deal was signed at the World Trade Center in Rotterdam by Minister Kamp, Provincial Executive member Bom-Lemstra (Province of Zuid-Holland) and Alderman Struijvenberg (Municipality of Rotterdam) which will increase the Dutch Windwheel’s chances of realisation.

The Netherlands ranks No. 3 on the Global Innovation Index 2017

The Netherlands ranks No. 3 on the 2017 Global Innovation Index (GII), rising six spots from the previous year. As one of the world’s most innovative countries, Holland outplaces the US, the UK, Ireland, Germany, and more.

Exploring cooperation at TU Delft Research Exhibition

The second edition of the TU Delft Research Exhibition – the largest scientific expo in the Netherlands – took place on the 6th, 7th and 8th of June 2017. After the positive response to the first Research Exhibition in 2014, this year’s edition was even larger, both in terms of the number of projects and the wide range of research groups and industries that were covered.

The Netherlands Ranks No. 1 in Connectivity on 2017 Digital Economy and Society Index

The Netherlands ranks first in the EU for connectivity and fourth in the EU for overall digitization on the 2017 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). Released annually by the European Commission, DESI measures digital progress of European countries based on five different categories. These categories include connectivity, human capital, use of internet, integration of digital technology and digital public services. The Netherlands precedes Belgium, the UK and Ireland on the index.

International Robotics Week: connecting robots and people worldwide

The event RoboValley worked towards since the founding in 2015: the first International Robotics Week. From April 19 - 21 2017, RoboValley was able to show the whole world what they have built in the past years and what RoboValley stands for: connecting robots and people worldwide. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the International Robotics Week: partners from Robo Business Media, Chrysalix, Accenture, Rabobank, InnovationQuarter, the city of Delft, the Innovation Attaché Network and the speakers and visitors. Here’s a recap!

Brexit, how does it affect your business?

On April 20, InnovationQuarter and Rotterdam Partners jointly organized a Brexit seminar in Rotterdam, called 'Brexit, how does it affect your business?', to inform international companies in West Holland about the possible impact of Brexit.

TerugblIQ – InnovationQuarter 2016 Annual Report

In its third year of existence, InnovationQuarter has had a record 12-month period, according to its 2016 Annual Report published today. The regional development agency attracted more foreign firms than ever to the region, has made no less than 19 investments and stimulated several dozen innovative partnerships between companies. In 2016, InnovationQuarter’s activities led to € 139 million of additional private investments and the creation of 971 new jobs in the region.