The One Conference
World Forum The Hague Churchillplein 10, Den Haag, NederlandThe Hague
International Cybersecurity Business Event
Mariott Hotel, The Hague Johan de Wittlaan 30, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, NederlandDen Haag
IT-SA 2019
IT-SA Messezentrum, NürnbergNürnberg
Breakfast Panel Event: The Netherlands as a springboard for Europe: High Tech & Cyber Security Companies
Fairfax County Economic Development Authority 8300 Boone Boulevard, Vienna, Verenigde StatenVienna
RSA Kick-off Information Session
The Hague Security Delta Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104, Den HaagThe Hague
Cyber & Fintech Summit 2020
The Hague
RSA 2020
San Francisco San Francisco, Verenigde StatenSan Francisco
Cybersecurity Recruitment Seminar 2020
HSD Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104, Den HaagDen Haag
Aerospace and HighTech Webinar Cybersecurity
Symposium Ondermijning
OnlineInnovationQuarter, The Hague Security Delta en Meld een Vermoeden slaan de handen in één en organiseren een online symposium over innovatie in de aanpak van ondermijning. U bent van harte uitgenodigd. Het thema ondermijning staat intussen hoog op de agenda’s van meerdere overheden waardoor samenwerking en het delen van kennis essentieel is. Gedurende dit symposium zullen wij […]
European Cybersecurity STARtup Award final competition
The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), Security Delta (HSD), InnovationQuarter, The Hague Convention Bureau, and TIIN Capital B.V. announce the final competition of Europe’s main start-up match-making event solely focussed on cybersecurity: the European Cybersecurity STARtup Award. On the 5th and 6th April, 12 start-ups and SMEs, a jury of cybersecurity experts and investors, as well as top European policy makers […]
Webinar cybersecurity opportunities in Sweden
Do you offer solutions for secure digitalisation and do you want to know more about your opportunities in the Swedish market? Then join the webinar on cybersecurity in Sweden organised by Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), InnovationQuarter, Security Delta (HSD) and the Dutch embassy in Sweden on the 24th of May. The Swedish consulting firm Radar […]
HSD Lunch & Talk: Financial Institutions in Cybersecurity
Security Delta (HSD) The HagueJoin the upcoming HSD Lunch & Talk about Financial institutions in cybersecurity on Monday 30 May from 12.00 hours till 13.00 hours at the HSD Campus in the City of The Hague. To share knowledge and stimulate meetings, the HSD Campus colours their networking lunches with interesting topics. Twice a month speakers pitch their knowledge and […]
Handelsmissie Cybersecurity naar RSA in San Francisco
Bent u actief of het gebied van cybersecurity en wilt u meer weten over de kansen voor uw bedrijf in Amerika? En wilt u in contact komen met belangrijke spelers in de Amerikaanse cybersecurity sector? Reis dan met mee naar de RSA Conference in San Francisco, van 6 tot en met 11 juni 2022. De […]
Cybersecurity Globaliser 2023
De Nederlandse cybersecuritysector heeft een sterke reputatie, en steeds meer cybersecurity scale-ups hebben de wens om internationaal uit te breiden. Toch kan het lastig zijn om te bepalen welke kansen het beste aansluiten bij de groeiplannen van jouw bedrijf. De inschrijvingen voor de vierde editie van Globaliser Cybersecurity zijn gesloten. Dit 12-wekelijkse programma is bedoeld […]
ECSO Cyber Investor Days in The Hague
Security Delta (HSD) The HagueOn the 17th of October 2022, the ECSO Cyber Investor Days will take place at the HSD Campus in The Hague, the Netherlands. The most promising European cybersecurity start-ups and scale-ups will take the stage and have the unique opportunity to pitch their innovative cybersecurity solutions and meet with leading investors and corporates from around Europe. Ambitions […]
Handelsmissie cybersecurity naar München en Neurenberg
It-sa / Munich visit – october Broad outline of the provisional program: Sunday October 23 – Arrival in Munich Monday October 24 – Munich Morning: Breakfast hosted by the new Dutch consul-general Annelies Faro, presentation of the cluster and invitation of key German contacts in the sector. Midday: Visit to leading or innovative German (cyber/customer) […]
Verkenningsmissie Cyber Zweden
Zweden is een van de wereldleiders als het gaat om digitale vaardigheden. Op het gebied van cybersecurity is de positie echter bescheiden. De algemene behoefte aan kennis, vaardigheden en implementatie op het gebied van cybersecurity is enorm. Lees hier meer over de cybersecuritymarkt in Zweden. Na enkele rondetafelgesprekken en webinars zijn de Nederlandse Ambassade in Zweden, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend […]
Cybersecurity trade mission to San Francisco (RSA Conference 2023)
In 2022, the largest Dutch delegation in the history of the RSA Conference & Exhibition participated in a successful trade mission under the guidance of InnovationQuarter and in close cooperation with Security Delta (HSD), the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Consulate General of the Netherlands in San Francisco. The next […]
Enlit Europe: unveil the future of energy | Paris
Join Enlit Europe 2023 Trade Mission 📆 27-30 november 2023 | 📍 Paris, France Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy revolution. Join over 18,000 professionals and industry leaders from across the power spectrum – generators, utilities, energy traders, and more. Why participate? Connect with energy industry giants Explore exciting opportunities Stay at the […]
Industriedag Ecosysteem Smart Materials
Generaal Majoor Kootkazerne Wolweg 100, Stroe, Gelderland, NederlandInnovationQuarter is als ROM (Regionale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij) samen met Oost-NL, BOM & LIOF partner van de KIA Veiligheid. Binnen de KIA Veiligheid zijn onder leiding van het Ministerie van Defensie en het Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid vijf missies gedefinieerd, die vragen om (toegepaste) innovaties. Eén daarvan is High Tech Landoptreden. In dit kader communiceren we […]
Trade Mission Cybersecurity & Digital Tech to Sweden 2024
Sweden, often overlooked as a market, has recently intensified its cybersecurity efforts, igniting a surge of business opportunities. The nation’s commitment to digital protection has made it an attractive hub for international companies with demonstrated expertise in cybersecurity. Acting as a gateway to the Nordic cybersecurity market, Sweden’s strong links with the Netherlands, including government […]
Save the Date: Cybersecurity Week 2024
From Monday, September 30 to Friday, October 4, Cybersecurity Week will be held in The Hague, the global hub for peace and justice. This week will feature a series of events that offer ample opportunities for networking, meeting key players, discussing recent developments, sharing knowledge, pitching to investors and raising awareness about securing our digital […]
ECSO Cyber Investor Days in The Hague 2024
Security Delta (HSD) The HagueOn October 3, 2024, the ECSO Cyber Investor Days will be hosted at the HSD Campus in The Hague, Netherlands. This event will showcase the most promising European cybersecurity start-ups and scale-ups. Participants will have an exceptional chance to present their cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions and engage with top investors and corporations from across Europe. Ambitions […]
Enlit Europe: unveil the future of energy
Join Enlit Europe Trade Mission 22-24 October 2024 | Milan, Italy Is your scale-up company providing an innovative and secure energy solution, such as in digital technology, cybersecurity or storage and aiming to expand globally? Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy revolution. Join over 18,000 professionals and industry leaders from across the power […]
Cyber Mission PIB US (Georgia & Texas)
Partners for International Business (PIB) is a Public-Private initiative from the Netherlands, designed to propel Dutch cybersecurity startups into the global arena. This initiative brings together thirteen forward-thinking Dutch companies in a focused three-year trade program aimed at unlocking opportunities and boosting interactions with the U.S. market. As a part of this program InnovationQuarter, Netherlands […]