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The One Conference
01-10-2019-09:15 tot 03-11-2019-17:00

Since 2013 The Netherlands hosts the One Conference (formerly known as the Govcert symposium, the first in 2002). For many people from the technical cyber security community one of the ‘must-visit’ conferences worldwide. Partly due to the link with the Global Conference on Cyberspace (2015) and the Dutch EU-presidency (2016) the One Conference has grown in importance and is broadened to an initiative of the national government.
Focus on cyber security and economic opportunities
This led to a conference with not only the focus on merely cybersecurity but also on the economic opportunities offered by the cyber domain. This is consistent with the approach chosen for the strengthening of our national cybersecurity.
In 2019 the One Conference has become a three day conference. Made possible in cooperation with the city of The Hague. In allignment with the One Conference, the city aims to stimulate the exchange of cyber security knowledge, ideas and innovations for a more secure future.
The One Conference consists of a plenary program, various breakout sessions and an Innovation Floor. Technical topics such as malware detection, incident response, law enforcement cases and less technical subjects, such as public-private partnerships, are discussed. Attention is also given to research from industry and academia.
Innovation Floor
A novelty for the One Conference 2019 is the organization of an Innovation Floor. During three days, in close collaboration with the city of The Hague, a maximum of 15 organizations will be offered the opportunity to present their cyber security innovations.
Proposals for participation at the Innovation Floor must comply to the theme of the One Conference of this year.
Criteria Innovation Floor One
- The exhibitor is active in the field of cyber security and is established in the Netherlands;
- Innovative and non-commercial nature;
- Presentation form is dynamic (preferably “see” or “do”)
- Preferably from public-private collaboration, or partly
- Searching for solutions and creating conditions for boundaries
- Significant contribution to digital opportunities;
- News value;
- Participants of the SBIR program receive priority.
Commercial presentations are excluded from participation. The organization monitors the balance in senders and themes. In context of quality assurance, the organization reserves the right to request applicants to adjust their proposal. There are no costs associated with the standard setting, the costs for any additional equipment (mandatory through organization) or extra settings will be charged.
Proposals can be send to: info@one-conference.nl

Feel free to contact us, if you have any questions.
Martijn van Hoogenhuijze