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2Tokens: Opportunities and Challenges regarding Tokenisation in The Netherlands
06-11-2019-14:00 tot 18:00
The 2Tokens project aims to clarify the path to the usage of Tokenisation, by any type of organisation, to realise new value streams. The path forward requires thorough consideration, whilst keeping up speed. Major surrounding countries and smaller jurisdictions are in the race to make theirs the Tokenisation epicenter of the future.
To that end you are invited to join the discussion by participating in a Round Table session this November 6th, from 14:00 to 20:00. The format of the round table session requires active participation of the attendees.
The Netherlands is well positioned to play a leading role in this transition, but the challenges are diverse. Tokenisation initiatives have a large network effect built in, which means that there will be a significant first mover advantage.
Feel free to contact us .Do you have any questions?
Jacqueline Schardijn